
This is the place I try to make my creative visions match the physical world.. watch while I sometimes fail and sometimes succeed!

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Dollar Store Closet Re-Vamp

Well the closet is a wee bit closer to being finished. I started adding back baskets I had bought previously for the closet, and then bought a few more. Then I realized that I need some small baskets to sort things a bit more (ie. first aid stuff is all thrown together)
 I added some dollar store lights, just to help out a bit. Dollar Store Couture!
 I need to get some new towels, I'm leaning towards grey and charcoal (hides dirt well!) and I'm contemplating blue or maybe even orange in the bathroom! Maybe grey bathroom and orange towels? 
They should all blend together, right?
 I had bought these little label holders from the dollar store a long time ago, and while they look super cute, they'll have to be replaced. The stick out to much and I *know* they will be pulled off when I pull out a basket! I'll have to figure something out, because the labels look very cute!
I also want to create an emergency kit to store in the closet. Something that can be picked up and carried easily. Perhaps a backpack? <off to do some research into what goes in an emergency pack>

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