
This is the place I try to make my creative visions match the physical world.. watch while I sometimes fail and sometimes succeed!

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Catch Up Part 2 - Ontario-o-i-o

In September I took a trip east to visit some friends I hadn't seen in years. I flew into Ottawa, and being my first time there, I found it pretty interesting to be in our nations capital! I had a tour around the city, visited a museum and hung out.

Parliament buildings.

 My friend Jo enjoying a drink, as did I.

After that I headed on the train (first class!) to Kingston where another friend lived. I'm familiar with Kingston so it was more like visiting a place that was old friend. She;s my lovely friend I've mentioned before "J" who knits, makes jewellery and stained glass amongst other talents!

 First class meal!
 Comfy seats!

We went out the haunted walk (Kingston is a very old place)

I met her dog Sir Thomas of the Bountiful Hair.
 And we had breakfast at one of our favorite eastern chains, Cora's

Then I took the train back to Ottawa, and flew home, much relieved to see my Cowboy and the doggies.

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