
This is the place I try to make my creative visions match the physical world.. watch while I sometimes fail and sometimes succeed!

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Hoot Hoot and Other Projects

This is a flannel panel quilt I've been working on. It's been great for practicing machine quilting, something I need to do. I've gone around all the squares and right now I'm working on the binding. After that I think I'll go back and do some more quilting in the squares. It's cute and super soft. I'm really enjoying it!

 I've also joined a small group of women quilters. We're starting a quilt called "Along the Garden Path".
And because I'm a big dork, I like to scan things into photoshop, and apply my on fabric finishes that I've scanned on the printer/scanner! It's not perfect, the scale is off, but it gives me some idea of contrasting colors.

Then my friend and I went to the fabric store and spent a delicious couple of hours picking fabrics! I decided to go with a bit of a 30's-40's theme after I picked some discount fabrics (the cherries and roosters)

I didn't pick any backing up. I'm going to wait until I can get to one of the chain fabric stores as the sales on plain old fabric are usually pretty good.

I'm currently cutting out the fabric pieces using both the rotary cutter and my Baby Go!

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