
This is the place I try to make my creative visions match the physical world.. watch while I sometimes fail and sometimes succeed!

Friday, January 4, 2013

Catch Up!

Well I seem to have ignored my poor little blog for a few months (ok maybe more then a few!)
A variety of things have happened since my last post. Let us play catch up!!

In August we went to a wedding weekend at a campground. This was a lot of fun and we helped decorate and basically helped out where needed. We arrived in our camper and truck and minus a collar. We had to shuffle Tucker's collar onto Casey and luckily I had brought Casey's harness which we put on Tucker. He we less then impressed as it's not shaped right for him. Well I guess he'll think twice about pulling Casey's collar off again! I've since purchased a new collar for Casey with a locking latch.
The wedding was lovely of course, topped off by the MOST AMAZING NORTHERN LIGHTS. EVER. Seriously, pinks and greens and blues, and it went on for hours. Awesome food, met some new friends, and there was only one accident the whole weekend (darn wasps!)

 Casey and Tucker in their finest threads!
 The bride and her father

 The groom and his groomsmen.

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