
This is the place I try to make my creative visions match the physical world.. watch while I sometimes fail and sometimes succeed!

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Adding Insult to Injuries

If you can imagine this....

A giant turkey given to us by the company The Cowboy works for... everything is looking good, it's roasting upside down in the pan and I decide to make some guacamole. And promptly stick the brand new, extremely sharp curved knife through the avocado into my hand.
So a friend 1# comes over and we rush over to the emergency where I get a few stitches. I still managed to get turkey dinner on the table and oddly enough, it was the best turkey I've ever made, including gravy!

Then in December, I'm shoveling a path so the delivery man can bring my Christmas present from The Cowboy (that I ordered for myself, heh) and manage to put my back out for the first time. It wasn't so bad the first day, but I must have twisted something later that night because suddenly I.could.not.move.
I have never had back pain before and it was horrible. Unfortunately The Cowboy had worked extremely late that night and was incapable of driving me to the emergency room, so friend #2 who works the night shift kindly brought me in at two pm.

 The dogs have an escape plan.. push enough snow against the fence and they can step right over!

 The path that destroyed my back
 My poor, poor car!

But hey, the dogs don't care either way, a bit of snow and -35 weather doesn't seem to phase them!
What was my Christmas present you ask??
A floor quilting frame so I can finish my large quilt. I've managed to get the top done, I've ironed the backing and purchased the batting and a large box of curved safety pins. Guess the next thing to do is put the sandwich together and start quilting!

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