
This is the place I try to make my creative visions match the physical world.. watch while I sometimes fail and sometimes succeed!

Monday, August 8, 2011

Some Oldies But Goodies!

This is a quilt my grandmother made for me when I was born. My grandmother in a lot of ways, is my quilting inspiration.

 You can see how she reused something else for the inside of the blanket.
This is a table cloth cover she crocheted. Again, she made one for each (female I think) grandchild (and there are plenty of us!)
 She made quilts for every grandchild. I loved my quilt (not this one) but unfortunately one of the fabrics completely frayed and ruined the quilt. I begged for another one and got this lovely, completely scrappy quilt.

Thank you Grandma!


The Dog's Dresser Drawer said...

It's so nice to have the memories and the quilt from her :)

Beth said...

The quilts are lovely. I have some quilts from my grandmother, and one from my great-grandmother. They are so wonderful and I love them. I always wonder if any of the quilts I make will last like that.

stash_envy said...

I only wish the first one had weathered better, it was lovely. Perhaps one day I'll figure out a way to fix the parts that shredded with a new fabric.