
This is the place I try to make my creative visions match the physical world.. watch while I sometimes fail and sometimes succeed!

Friday, March 18, 2011

storage ideas

So I have a sewing room downstairs in our basement, and it’s quite lovely. The few times I get to work there. Why can’t I work there you ask? This is the guilty party.

She’s attached to my hip. And I don’t mind (mostly, though I’d love to go to the washroom by myself) but it makes it hard to get sewing done. So though I have a sewing room, my sewing machine resides on the dining room table and the table was covered with scraps and scissors and pins and the like. 

Last weekend though, I decided to change that. I had a vague recollection of a drawer unit at Costco so I sent my mother off to buy it. 

Hey, she was going anyway, I didn’t just force her to there!
This is the unit. I read the reviews and the worst comment I saw was that sometimes the drawers don’t slide well. Well I decided to risk it anyway! And it’s awesome! It rolls, it holds all my tools and even has extra drawers to hold my cut squares. I bought a bunch of containers from the dollar store (dollarama, I love you!) and that organized things within each drawer as well. Worked awesome!

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