So I've finally managed to get an iron. I somehow lost/gave away or just plain misplaced my old iron. One thing I discovered though was that my old iron was not so great! The new iron works much better, with both spray and plenty of steam. I'm not sure how much I like the idea of having to empty the water every time I'm done with using it. The dog was extremely fascinated with the steam and kept trying to get her face onto the ironing board - not the best idea dog!!
After our last trip down to the valley I picked up a variety of fun fabrics as well as a large amount of black fabric. After taking a look at my fan squares on my design wall, and trying a variet of options, I decided to bring some black fabric strips into place and run them between EVERY block. I washed the fabric as I had washed the fan fabrics, and unfortunately it came out very wrinkled. Having to iron the fabric is what put me off working on this quilt for a few weeks.
Today I ironed most of the fabric, and used my baby Go cutter to cut strips out. I've managed to perfect the easiest way for me to this, as well as how many layers I can run through at one sitting. I can run more layers through but this seems to result in the cutting mat getting warn out before it's time (I'll have to post a photo of my smaller mat to show what I mean) I've since ordered some new ones to replace the destroyed one.
I really love my Go! Getting long even strips is so easy now. I tried using a rotary cutter but my hand always slips at some point and I screw up the strips.
My laptop is in the shop, so I'll have to update photos later :)